September 2017
/ Nobody can predict the future. In the Unetaneh Tokef prayer on the High Holidays, we sing and pray, wondering what the coming year will hold for us all. Our attempts to peer into the future are like looking ahead with a miner’s cap on – a small area is illuminated in front of us so we can see our next step, but that’s about it. Life presents obstacles to moving forward, such as time, energy, stress and obligations, and these are all reasons for us all to stay stuck. But the future is coming, whether we slide into it enthusiastically, or wait for it to wash over us.
Rosh Hashanah is a new chance, another beginning, an opportunity to move forward and advance your light. Don’t know how to do that? Here’s a suggestion. The first words at the beginning of each Amidah are, “Open my mouth, Oh Lord, and my lips will offer praises.” Even when we think we do not know how to communicate with God, we can always start with gratitude and praise. I will be addressing this more during the coming High Holiday services.
All during this month of Elul we say Psalm 27, which begins, “The Lord is my light and my help.” Let that light be our guide as we prepare to move toward and through the Jewish new year. May it hold many blessings for us all. Shana tova u’metukah. May you have a happy and sweet new year.
L’hitra’ot, until next time!