Chazak, Chazak, Chazak! (January 2023)

Last week we read the final portion of the Book of Genesis in the Torah, and this week we begin the Book of Exodus. Each time we complete one of the Books of the Torah it is a special moment and we say, “Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazek, be strong and we shall be strengthened.” Where did this come from? Two sources.
In the beginning of the Book of Joshua, God encourages Joshua by telling him to be strong and resolute (chazak ve’ematz), to observe faithfully all the teachings of Moses, and to recite them (i.e., study Torah) every day. The Midrash says that Joshua was actually holding the Torah scroll and as he completed it, God told him, “Chazak!”  
In addition, chazak v’nitchazek is an expression from the Book of Samuel. The two examples represent a slight change of wording but the message is the same. 
We say the phrase 3 times, as you know, and that is perhaps because, as the sources suggest, when you add up the numerical value of the 3 words it equals that of the name of Moses.
We use this phrase when we reach transformative moments such as these, and they can be used for any celebration of completion. Hanna Tiferet has written a joyous song of celebration, Chazak Chazak, for just such a moment and you can hear me sing it HERE. We often sing it during our Saturday service when we reach the end of one of the Books of the Torah, so it may be familiar to you.
Mark your calendars for another in our outstanding series of Third Friday Zoom Shabbat services at 7pm, on January 20, when my friend and colleague (and former seminary student) Cantor Lois Kittner will be joining us. Cantor Lois is a delightful, multi-talented Cantor and musician who will offer a short meditation on the parsha, and I am sure her warm and bright presence will be spiritually uplifting.
Cantor Rena