June 2024 - Shavuot: A Time to Study and Learn

We all try to improve our world in as many ways as we can. Do you ever feel overwhelmed about your ability to face the challenges of today and try to make a difference?  You may even think, “This is the new normal and I’m just one person. I’ll never make a difference; this is all too huge.” It’s easy to feel powerless, but our tradition teaches something we can hang onto at times like these.

In Pirkei Avot, the Ethics of the Fathers, we read, “Lo alecha… It is not incumbent upon you to complete the task, but neither are you free to absolve yourself from it.” So, while we need to tackle the work, it is not up to us alone to finish it. Thank heavens! There is too much to do, but together, we can accomplish great things.  

On Tuesday, June 11 at 8:30pm, erev Shavuot, the clergy of the South Hills will present a one-hour study session on some of the wisdom of Pirkei Avot. It is on Zoom only and the link will be in our E-News. You are invited to join and hear us, the Rabbis and Cantors of the South Hills, discuss different passages from this work.  

Remember that in Hatikvah we sing, “Od lo avda tikvateinu; We have still not lost our hope.” We know that better days will come.

B’shalom and chag sameach,
Cantor Rena